Holiday Safety Tips
This holiday season I want everyone safe and sound so they can enjoy there Holiday. I have a few tips that I have picked up on over the years and around the web.
- Check your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector and make sure they are working.
- Make sure any holiday guest know what to do in case of a fire and where to meet up.
- Make sure your holiday guests know where the fire extinguisher is and make sure you have one or two just in case you need them.
- If you have a fresh Christmas/Holiday tree make sure you water it daily the needles shouldn't fall off when it's touched. A well water tree doesn't burn as well as a dry tree.
- Keep you tree and other flammables 3 feet away from heating vent, fire places, and space heaters.
- Use Candles with care, Never leave them unattended, in the reach of pets or animals. Always blow them out when you go to sleep and leave the house. A great alternative is Scentsy use this link to find someone local to you.
- Keep Candles 12 inches away from any flammable and place them on/in holders that are sturdy and large enough to hold all the melted wax.
- Maintain your Chimney to prevent fires, if you haven't done so already for the winter now would be a great time to do so.
- DO NOT drink and drive, DO NOT get in the car and let someone drive that has been drinking. You can always pick up your car later.
- DO NOT text and drive, it can wait. If it can't pull over into a parking let and send the text
- DO NOT talk on the cell phone and drive unless you have a hands free device. It can wait if it can't and you don't have a hands free device pull over and make the call.
- Have kit in your car in case of an accident or bad weather and your stuck in your car. Have bottle water, flashlights, blankets in the car, food and a first aid kit to include flares or other reflective items. Make sure you have enough for a couple of days and everyone in your car.
- Leave early and don't speed I know this is common sense but it's ok to be late if you get there in one piece.
- Don't leave your car running in the garage because you want to prevent CO (carbon monoxide poisoning)
- Dress in layers if it's cold out.
- Never Ever put your child in a car seat with the jacket on. Take it off and buckle them in them put the coat on them backwards or a car seat poncho or blanket on them
- Always clean all the snow off your car
- Before a long car trip check the fit of your car seats. Check out should you need help.
- Food safety, always was your produce. Cook your meat to proper temps as well.
- Keep cold foods out for only 2 hours at room temp and then put them back.
- Watch the products you use in your home make them as toxin free as you can. If not please don't mix them.
- Watch for little pieces from gifts and decorations with little ones around remember not all homes you will visit are child proof.
- Check all your decorations for safety. Frayed and cracked lights need to be replaces an don't plug more than three strands together at a time.
- Watch over loading circuits.
- Use out lights only outside.
So many great tips here, thank you for sharing those and for all the research you make.
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